Jorge Padilla

Dr. Jorge Padilla is senior managing director and head of Compass Lexecon Europe. He is a research fellow at the Centro de Estudios Monetariosy Financieros (CEMFI, Madrid) and teaches competition economics at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).  He has given expert testimony before the competition authorities and courts of several EU member states, as well as in cases before the European Commission. Dr. Padilla has submitted written testimony to the European General Court, and the UK Competition Appeals Tribunal in cartel, merger control and abuse of dominance cases. He has also given expert testimony in various civil litigation (damages), international arbitration cases, and competition cases in non-EU jurisdictions.

Dr. Padilla has written numerous papers on competition policy, industrial organization and finance in the Antitrust Bulletin, the Antitrust Law Journal, the Economic Journal, the Energy Journal, the European Competition Journal, the European Competition Law Review, the Fordham International Law Journal, Industrial and Corporate Change, the International Journal of Industrial Organization, the Journal of Competition Law and Economics, the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Journal of Economic Theory, the RAND Journal of Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the University of Chicago Law Review, and World Competition.

Dr. Walter C. Copan – Congressional Testimony: The State of U.S. Science and Technology: Ensuring U.S. Global Leadership

On February 5th, 2025, Dr. Walter C. Copan testified before the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on the State of U.S. Science and Technology: Ensuring U.S. Global Leadership. Copan, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer at the Colorado School of Mines, former Director of the National Institute
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(Transcript) Protecting Intellectual Property for National Security: A Conversation with Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-TX)

This transcript is from a CSIS and LeadershIP event hosted on December 3, 2024. Watch the full video here. John J. Hamre: Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome. We’re delighted to have you here. My name is John Hamre. I’m the president at CSIS. And this is going to be one
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Generic Drugs, Property Rights, and the Orange Book

By Chris Borges Intellectual property (IP) rights secured through patents facilitate the introduction of dozens of new brand-name drugs and hundreds of generic drugs annually in the United States. However, proposals advanced by the Biden administration have mistakenly singled out patents as the cause of high drug prices, potentially harming the dense networks
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