Innovation Policy and the Role of Standards, IP, and Antitrust
September 10, 2020

Event Details
The interagency panel featured NIST Director Dr. Walter Copan, USPTO Director Andrei Iancu, and DOJ Antitrust Division’s AAG Makan Delrahim, and was moderated by former USPTO Director David Kappos. Each provided remarks on the major shifts in the IP and specifically the SEP/FRAND policy debate, tying the common themes across the joint USPTO-DOJ-NIST statement published in Dec 2019, recent international cases including Unwired Planet v. Huawei (UK) & Sisvel v. Haier (Germany), the FTC v. Qualcomm 9th circuit decision, and the update to the DOJ IEEE BRL released on September 10th.
Innovation Policy and the Role of Standards, IP, and Antitrust
The esteemed panel discussed the role of IP, Antitrust, and Standards policies towards a broader innovation policy framework, highlight recent developments such as the Joint PTO-DOJ-NIST Policy Statement on Remedies for Standards Essential Patents (SEPs), and explore other potential initiatives.

Andrei Iancu

Makan Delrahim

Hon. Dr. Walter Copan