Gregor Langus

Gregor Langus is the founder of CompetitionSphere, a competition policy group based in Brussels. He is recognized as a leading expert in competition policy by 2021 Who’s Who Legal – a publication by Law Business Research Limited. Recently, Gregor has been focusing on the economic analysis of innovation, digital markets, and intellectual property.

Gregor has advised clients and submitted written testimony in many antitrust investigations, damage disputes, and merger reviews in multiple jurisdictions, involving the European Commission, the U.S. authorities, and the competition authorities of several European Union member states. Gregor is also the lead author of a series of studies on policy in relation to copyright and regulation of telecommunications for the EC.

He holds a doctorate in Economics from the European University Institute and has published on competition policy and economics in journals such as the Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Economics Letters, the Journal of Competition Law and Economics, and Concurrences.

Before founding CompetitionSphere, Gregor was a Director at E.CA and prior to that a senior vice president with Compass Lexecon. He has also served in the Chief Economist’s Team (CET) in DG Competition at the European Commission. He has previous consultancy experience and was also a post-doctoral researcher and a lecturer in Microeconomics at the Tilburg University School of Economics.

Dr. Walter C. Copan – Congressional Testimony: The State of U.S. Science and Technology: Ensuring U.S. Global Leadership

On February 5th, 2025, Dr. Walter C. Copan testified before the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on the State of U.S. Science and Technology: Ensuring U.S. Global Leadership. Copan, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer at the Colorado School of Mines, former Director of the National Institute
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(Transcript) Protecting Intellectual Property for National Security: A Conversation with Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-TX)

This transcript is from a CSIS and LeadershIP event hosted on December 3, 2024. Watch the full video here. John J. Hamre: Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome. We’re delighted to have you here. My name is John Hamre. I’m the president at CSIS. And this is going to be one
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Generic Drugs, Property Rights, and the Orange Book

By Chris Borges Intellectual property (IP) rights secured through patents facilitate the introduction of dozens of new brand-name drugs and hundreds of generic drugs annually in the United States. However, proposals advanced by the Biden administration have mistakenly singled out patents as the cause of high drug prices, potentially harming the dense networks
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