Jessica McBroom

Jessica McBroom is Director for International Economics and Competitiveness at the National Security Council, White House.   Jessica has driven the President’s supply chain agenda since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration, including as the chief coordinator for the implementation of Executive Order 14017 on America’s Supply Chains.  She is currently on detail from the Office of Industrial Policy at the Department of Defense.  Prior to that, Jessica was in the private sector as Vice President at a major U.S. financial institution and also served as a Director at a major manufacturing-focused trade association.  Jessica has also held positions at the Department of State.  She has a B.A. from Tulane University in political science and a minor in the French language.  She is originally from Detroit, Michigan

Understanding the U.S. Biopharmaceutical Innovation Ecosystem

By Sujai Shivakumar, Tisyaketu Sirkar, and Jeffrey Depp Introduction The biopharmaceutical innovation system—which brings novel, life-improving, and life-saving therapies from the researcher’s bench to a patient’s bedside—is a major engine powering health improvements, economic output, and wealth creation in the United States. But while the commercial and national security competition with China has
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Explainer: Standard Essential Patents and National Security

By Christopher Borges Technology standards are a critical domain of international cooperation and competition in high technology. Standards create a common language for communication about technology and innovation, allowing firms to collaborate and develop interoperable products. At the same time, for some critical and emerging technologies such as telecommunications and artificial
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Assessing the Patent and Trademark Office’s Inventorship Guidance for AI-Assisted Inventions

By Alexander Kersten As new applications of artificial intelligence (AI) become more sophisticated, AI tools are increasingly used to assist in the process of invention. However, given that inventorship is limited to natural persons under U.S. law, AI’s growing utilization has raised questions around whether AI-assisted inventions should receive patents,
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